I was livid! I called the credit card company and tried to get it taken off my bill. But their representitive asked me: "What is their refund policy?" And I replied, they said they would not give a refund. "Well, then we can't refund any of your money." I argued that they had overcharged me and that I had "returned" the purchase. She told me that since their "policy" was not to give refunds, and I did not have proof of what I was saying, they would not refund or "chargeback" my money. And that was that! Now I was truly volatile. My blood pressure was WAY up there. And I was packing my belongings to take a much-needed three-day rest at a nearby spa. I was absolutely choked with anger, resentment and great feelings of injustice as I drove the hour and a half to my place of R & R (rest and relaxation).